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My first one as well, 11/6, so we?

HCG Levels Taken on 11dp5dt. ?

Beta #2 208 on Valentine's. First was 97, second was 76 and 3rd was 37. We transferred 2 embryos, so I know there is a possibility of twins, but I am curious if anyone has had around this beta level at 11dp5dt and only had a singleton pregnancy? Also, my brain of course resorts to worst case scenario with high beta levels- molar pregnancy. So, kind of figuring out the math, I kind of figured that 12dp5dt should be somewhere around 1,000 to be consistent with last time. mugshots sanford nc Please share your experiences with beta testing in general, rapid doubling, slow doubling, erratic doubling, and limitations of betas. Venous blood clotting, blurred vision, dizziness, naus. My pregnancy test this morning is now darker than the control line. As we near ever closer to iOS 15’s fall 2021 release, mor. Posted by u/989d - No votes and 8 comments My beta at 9dp5dt came back positive but it’s only at 20 11dp5dt: 46 hope. mrs pageants The nurse didn’t indicate if the trending is good or bad. It’s a bit dense to interpret, but I think this study is looking at levels at 11dp5dt or 13dp3dt—16 day old embryos. 11dp5dt - 1138 (they didn’t check doubling as it was already nice and high so it must’ve been doubling appropriately to get there) 6 weeks pregnant (not sure what that is in dpt) - 49450 Now 7w3d and no longer checking hCG as we have seen the heartbeat and everything was measuring on track at the 7 week ultrasound. I’m at a loss for words but looking for some hope. marvel self insert By using Chrome Beta, you can stay ahead. ….

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